石渠寶笈初編(下冊),頁732&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁164&* 陳洪綬(西元一五九八-一六五二年),字章侯,號老蓮,浙江諸暨人。在科舉上不成而絕意功名,花鳥人物裝飾性重,曾為版畫起稿,作插圖紙牌。本幅畫桃花,老幹連雲,下出一枝,繫以彩帶。畫成於壬戌(一六二二),二十五歲之時。詩中意似扇主曾有綺遇,而囑洪綬寫此花為贈者。洪綬早年花鳥寫生師法藍瑛,本圖尚有其師面目,為院藏最早陳氏畫作。 本幅選自「明人畫扇集冊」第十二開。 &*Peach Blossoms Ch’en Hung-shou (1598-1652) Ming Dynasty Ch’en Hung-shou, a native of Chekiang, failed at the civil service exams and delved instead in painting. His bird-and-flower as well as figure painting has an archaic yet decorative approach, and he also made drafts for prints and illustrations. This work shows a branch of peach blossoms from an old tree and was painted in 1622 by Ch’en at the age of 24. The poem on this work suggests that ch’en had a relationship with the fan owner, who asked Ch’en to do this painting of blossoms for her. In his early years, Ch’en studied the “sketching from life” style of his contemporary Lan Ying, which is still evident here. This, the earliest painting by ch’en in the Museum collection, is the 12th leaf from Album of Fan Paintings by Ming Artists. &*1.〈明陳洪綬桃花〉,收入國立故宮博物院編,《晚明變形主義畫家作品展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1977年九月初版),頁426。